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Autumn News 2020

We now have 70,595 champion trees on our online Champion Trees database. Read our Registrar's Report.

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Champion Tree of the Week

A series of photos, from the archives, to help us get through the COVID-19 restrictions.

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77 Champion Trees at White House Farm

Tree Register Trustee Maurice Foster VMH began gardening at White House Farm, on the Kentish greensand ridge east of Sevenoaks, in the 1980s. Planting…

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A century of champions at Thenford House

Since the 1980s, Michael Heseltine has been planting every tree he can source across 30 ha. of private gardens at his home at Thenford in Northamptonshire…

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Keeping track of new introductions

Great numbers of the new trees introduced to gardens in Britain from China, Mexico and other botanical hotspots through the last years of the 20th century…

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Royal Purple at Beaufront Castle

An uncommon sight in the private garden of Beaufront Castle in Northumberland this month: a Purple Oak (Q. robur 'Purpurascens') in full spring-time glory…

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MBE for Tree Register Registrar

Dr Owen Johnson has been awarded the Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the New Year Honours, for services to the environment.

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Latest News - Summer 2018

Dear Member, welcome to our summer edition of Latest News. If we have your email address you should have already received this. It is one of the benefits…

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The tallest wild tree

Rob Lynley's discovery of a 45m beech in the Derwent gorge below Willersley Castle near Matlock Bath in Derbyshire

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